Clean & Safe
The safety rules and procedures for prevention of COVID - 19 are issued in partnership with Tokuda Hospital Acibadem City Clinic & Ecolab.

Dear guests, our team is ready and delighted to welcome you to a safe and clean hotel environment, operating with the highest standards in sanitation and hygiene. In addition, we are also observing social and physical distancing practices and adhering to the “new normal” during the COVID–19 and post- COVID–19 era. We have created an Action Plan which we update and coordinate constantly with the leading epidemiologist of our partner and consultant Acibadem City Clinic Tokuda Hospital.
We apologize in advance if the requirements of our new “BE HEALTHY & STAY ACTIVE WITH BT HOTELS COLLECTION!” program, causes delays and/or changes in our regular hotel services.
NEW: Pursuant to Ordinances РД 01-973/26.11.2021 and РД 01-856/19.10.2021 of the Ministry of Health, all guests and visitors to the hotel, restaurants, SPA and conference center will need to provide a valid Green Certificate. For your convenience a COVID-19 screening lab has been set up on the hotel premises, where you can take a PCR test or a rapid antigenic test at preferential conditions.
Please bear in mind that protecting the health of each and every one of us is a shared responsibility. For this reason, we would like to stress the importance of adhering to the safety recommendations below, during your stay with us:
- Please maintain a high standard of personal hygiene, washing hands regularly and making use of provided hand sanitizer, throughout the hotel premises!
- Please maintain a reasonable distance from other guests (who are not from your family/household) of at least 1,5 m in all public spaces, including indoors and outdoors!
- Please wear protective face masks in public indoor and outdoor spaces, in the hotel as well as outdoors, especially where keeping a safe distance of 1,5 m is not practicable (except in cases for which exemptions are allowed)!
- Please read the COVID–19 Safety Rules and Procedures on our website and follow the signage posted throughout the hotel!
- After using single use/disposable packages/consumables, please discard them right away, in the nearest bin!
- Should you feel a headache, dry cough, weakness or temperature over 37.5С, please contact the Reception desk by calling them on the phone and do not leave your room until you receive further instructions!
- In the event that a guest is suspected of having contracting COVID-19, the guest should isolate in a specially reserved room. Should the guest display clear symptoms of the disease, the following should be notified: hotel management, the hotel physician or the respective medical institution with which the hotel has a service contract, the Regional Health Inspectorate or the Emergency Medical Help Center. The guest shall be examined by a physician.
- In all such cases, all GDPR rules will be strictly observed.
Dear guests, we kindly ask you to read the safety measures in place, before your arrival to the hotel and we thank you in advance for your understanding and strict adherence to these guidelines.
Our Employees
Dear guests, we kindly ask you to read the safety measures in place, before your arrival to the hotel and we thank you in advance for your understanding and strict adherence to these guidelines.
- virus infection caused by Covid–19 (characteristics, contamination, symptoms, consequences, treatment etc.) and Mandatory prevention measures – personal safety and guests’ safety: safety etiquette, social distancing, working uniform, how to organize the working process, safety etiquette outside the working place;
- operating procedures – new and amended;
- sanitizing rules;
- communication standards– in normal work process, in Covid–19 confirmed cases and in infection presumptive cases;
- response and communication rules and procedures in confirmed Covid–19 case/s in the resort.
We keep all our employees updated on the latest changes and additions to the Safety Rules and Procedures based on the epidemic prevention measures undertaken in the country and the other members of the EU.
- Working processes have been organized so as to reduce congregation of employees in the workplace, ensure maximum ventilation on the premises, including natural ventilation, provide sufficient PPE for stаff and ensure timely and updated training and vaccinations.
- undergo health checks at the entrance when arriving to work. Employees displaying temperature over 37.5º С are not allowed in the hotel. If an employee is confirmed to have contracted Covid–19, measures are taken to trace the contacts, isolate and test other employees who are under contamination risk;
- work with the obligatory protective equipment – face mask and gloves.
For you
A full-time Guest Relations manager is available at the hotel, who is also a member of the COVID – 19 Response Task Force and has full knowledge of the sanitation procedures adopted for your safety and protection.
The Hotel
Throughout the hotel premises you will find:
- appropriate signage reminding guests and staff of the prevention and protection rules and use of protective equipment. Detailed safety and sanitation instructions are also available on the hotel website and the information TV channel in your room;
- sanitation dispensers are available throughout all common and public spaces for guest use.
- Pursuant to Ordinance РД 01-973/26.11.2021 of the Ministry of Health, we require the presentation of a Green Certificate at hotel check-in. This pass provides our guests with access to catering and other hotel facilities throughout their stay.
- Visitors who do not hold a Green Certificate may use the hotel services and take a rapid antigen test in a screening lab, located in the Rila hotel.
- All Reception staff are duly updated on COVID-19 related topics, so as to safely and professionally execute their obligations and all guests and potential clients are duly briefed on the hotel’s safety and protection procedures and all related prevention measures.
- The phone numbers for contacting the regional health authorities, emergency help centers, pharmacies and the medical facilities with which the hotel has signed a medical service agreement, are clearly on display at the reception desk and all employees have this information available at all times.
- The reception desk maintains at all times, thermometers available for guest use, staff and third persons, as well as spare face masks, used as necessary.
- Check-in & check-out will be conducted via online channels. A few hours prior to your arrival, you will receive an email with additional instructions and your room number.
- If you opt for in-person check-in at arrival, please keep in mind that a plastic protective shield is installed to maintain adequate separation between guests and staff, at the Reception desk. We have procedures in place ensuring minimum contact with guests; room card-key, personal ID card and the POS terminal are sanitized. Any items that you receive from our staff will have been thoroughly sanitized beforehand. Invoices and receipts can only be e-mailed and shall not be issued on paper.
- Signage is posted on the floors in front of the Reception desk, to mark waiting areas and to ensure appropriate distancing is maintained at all times. Please keep appropriate distance from other guests at all times, even in large congregation areas.
- No more than 2 guests at the same time are permitted at the Reception desk, unless they are members of the same family.
- At the final stage of the check-in, the administrator will summarize in a brief and clear manner, the information regarding the hotel’s hygiene measures, policies and dining hours.
- At departure from the hotel please drop off your key card in the designated box at the Reception desk.
- For additional consumption in the hotel facilities, please charge the payment to your room number. Room charge is considered the safest form of payment acceptance.
- Porters do not ride with guests in the elevator, they carry the luggage to the room separately. They work with face masks and gloves, the trolleys are disinfected after each use.
- Occupied rooms are cleaned on a daily basis. If you don’t want your room to be cleaned on certain day/s please notify Reception desk one day prior.
- The use of disinfectant solution is mandatory for the room cleaning and sanitation process, at which time the room windows and doors will be kept open, throughout the entire time. Special attention is given to the sanitation of high frequency touch points in the room, the hallway and the bathroom.
- Room attendants track the sanitation process with a detailed check list and a cleaning schedule, assigned to every room. A log is kept of each cleaning’s time and place, with sign off by the staff person responsible for the task.
- Rooms are supplied with:
- Laminated flyers listing the additional hygiene measures and the primary prevention rules mandatory for the guests in the different zones of the hotel. The full text of the rules may be seen at the website of the hotel and the TV info channel in your room;
- Spare pillows and blankets in sealed single use plastic bags;
- Coffee/tea machines/electric jugs, water glasses.
- You can find all information pertaining to our “BE HEALTHY & STAY ACTIVE WITH BT HOTELS COLLECTION!” program on the hotel website and in-room TV info channel (by scanning the QR code on the laminated panel). On the in-room TV info channels you have access to all our updated safety rules and preventive measures, as well as all the hotel’s Food & Beverage menus, including room service, restaurants and bars and the dining times in our main restaurants.
- The hotel has new ventilation systems which pump 100% fresh air supply to the rooms and provide separate evacuation of the bathroom air, without mixing the air in-between rooms.
Common and public spaces
- Floor path - Please follow the arrows on the floor, guiding the pathway through the corridors to the lobby, meeting rooms, and other areas of interest, as they manage the entire guest flow of the hotel.
- Elevators – Please consult the signage indicating the maximum number of guests allowed into the elevator at any given time. The elevator buttons and panels are sanitized every hour, for your safety. By the elevators/lifts on the ground floor you will find sanitation dispensers for guest use.
- Sanitation schedule - The frequency of cleaning and sanitizing has been increased in all public spaces in accordance with the respective hotel occupancy. Frequent touch points and surfaces such as handrails, desktops and other areas / items are sanitized every hour. The on-duty attendants note on the checklist and sign to certify that the premises have been duly sanitized.
- Restrooms - The public restrooms are sanitized twice as frequently as standard. The frequent touch points (door handles, hangers, toilet seats, handles, water faucets) are sanitized each hour, this is noted and signed, with date and time by the on-duty attendant.
- Lobby and all common areas are aired regularly by leaving the doors and windows open during the day as long as possible.
- The hotel ventilation systems have been fully replaced with new ones which comply with the modern requirements for optimum air quality. The systems in the conference block and catering facilities: restaurants, conference rooms, night bar etc. have been equipped with censors monitoring the concentration levels of carbon dioxide, these levels meet the acceptable criteria for air quality. The capacity of the ventilation system is regulated for optimal guest comfort.
Dining - restaurants
- Pursuant to ordinances РД 01-856/19.10.2021, РД 01-890/03.11.2021 and РД 01-973/26.11.2021 of the Ministry of Health, our restaurants will operate at full capacity. Access to the restaurants is subject to the provision of a valid Green Certificate, at the entrance. Guests check is based on the information provided at the Reception desk at check-in. All external visitors will need to provide a Green certificate to the staff at the entry. For guests who do not have a Green certificate, Room service is available. Guests and external visitors without a Green certificate, shall not be allowed into the catering premises of the hotel. All staff members in our restaurants hold Green certificates for being vaccinated, recovered or tested according to the requirements and regulations by the Ministry of Health.
- Separate entry and exit points for guest flows, have been organized in the restaurants.
- If needed, a dining timetable will be introduced to ensure adequate distancing measures. Guests will be notified about their dining hours.
- Please note that if you have missed your dining time, you can use the hotel in-room dining service (packed food based on the room service menu).
- Guests with buffet packages may help themselves to the food, ensuring they are wearing face masks and gloves, provided by the hotel.
- Dining in our buffet restaurants is buffet-based and is organized in the following manner:
- stickers on the floor indicating the direction of guest flow, entry and exit;
- drinks are served on trolleys by attendants for lunch and dinner or guests may help themselves at the bar counter, ensuring they are wearing face masks and disposable gloves, while keeping mandatory 1,5 m distance from others;
- all tables in the room are set with disinfected cutlery, glasses, napkins, paper mats (instead of table runners) which are changed after each guest. The coffee machines in the room are disinfected every 15 min.
- the temperature rate of hot cooked food is increased;
- for additional consumption in the hotel facilities, please charge the bill to your hotel room. Room charge is considered the safest form of payment acceptance.
Dining – lobby bar
- We have rearranged all the layouts in order to ensure the proper distancing requirements are maintained and to ease the movement of the attending staff.
- Table menus will not be provided. Laminated (sanitized after each use) or single use menus will be provided to the guests. You can also scroll through the menu on your smartphone by scanning the QR code, which will be made available throughout the restaurants.
- Sugar, salt and other condiments will not be freely available on the tables but will be served in individual packages, according to the order and upon request.
- Tables and seats will be thoroughly sanitized between guests.
Conference block /after opening/
- Pursuant to Ordinance РД 01-973/26.11.2021 of the Ministry of Health our conference center will be open at full capacity. A valid Green certificate will be required to access the conference rooms.
- The layout of the rooms will be made in accordance with the 1.5m distancing requirements between participants.
- Separate entry and exit points for guest flows have been organized.
- The participants will be registered online beforehand, by the organizer of the event.
- The conference badges will be arranged on a table outside of the room in alphabetic order, for pick-up by the participants (or as otherwise agreed with the client).
- Hotel ushers at the room entry/exit points control and assist the guest movement and flow, so as to ensure proper distancing is maintained.
- Conference stationary and other materials shall not be provided by the hotel. The organizer shall make the respective arrangements upon the client’s request.
Coffee breaks
- Will be served remotely to a maximum number of locations, so as to ensure proper distancing between the participants or outdoors, weather permitting.
Technical equipment
- Equipment in use during events, shall be sanitized during the breaks.
- Any shared equipment such as microphones etc., shall be made available in larger numbers and shall be sanitized throughout the course of the event.
- At the end of the event, all surface tops, including movable counters, side tables, dustbins etc., shall be sanitized.
- The premises shall be aired during and after the sanitation, for prolonged periods of time, before the next group of guests is allowed in.
- A sanitation checklist shall be used by the conference room attendants, signed with name, date and time.
- Our gym is open only to guests, staff or visitors who are 100% vaccinated, recovered from COVID-19 or are able to provide a negative test result, in compliance with the requirements of the Ministry of Health.
SPA Center /after opening/
- Our SPA Center is open only to guests, staff or visitors who are 100% vaccinated, recovered from COVID-19 or are able to provide a negative test result, in compliance with the requirements of the Ministry of Health. A mandatory Green certificate check will be done at entry. Guest check is done based on the information provided to the reception desk at check-in. External visitors will need to present a valid Green Certificate to the attendants. Guests and external visitors without a valid Green certificate will not be granted access to the SPA center.
- Please note that SPA staff are responsible for preventing congregation of guest groups, in any areas throughout the SPA center.
- SPA therapy services are available upon preliminary booking only. The hours are staggered to provide staff sufficient time to sanitize all areas of the treatment rooms between customers and to avoid guest congregation. Guests will be accompanied by a therapist throughout the common areas of the SPA.
- The SPA manager has the authority to determine at their discretion, which treatments are available to customers, such as the Swedish (dry) sauna areas, which are deemed safe for individual/family use, at high temperatures.
- In the lounge area, distance is adequately maintained between the chaise lounge chairs. Chairs are sanitized after each use.
- Every other locker in the changing rooms shall be blocked off, as to ensure proper distancing between guests.
- According to the provisions by the Ministry of Tourism, the SPA center will operate at 30% capacity and enforce a 1,5 m mandatory distance between visitors and, whenever the procedure allows, wearing of protective face masks. Timetables for individual facility use are made wherever applicable.
- The water in the swimming pools (including thermal water) is treated following the instructions of the Bulgarian Health Ministry. The water circulation has been increased.
- The pool operates at 30% capacity and enforces a mandatory 1,5 m distance between individuals, therefore:
- Sun-shades and umbrellas in the open or around the pool, shall be spaced at a 5m distance from each other.
- The chaise lounges are grouped by two (max.) with distance between the couples of min. 2 m.
- Crowding in the pool is not allowed. Please keep a distance of min. 1.5m.
- Please put the used towels in the bags provided so a member of our housekeeping staff can collect them safely.
- Chaise lounges and sun-shades will be fully sanitized between guests/groups.
- Please disinfect your hands before joining the activities. A sanitizing dispenser can be found in the pool area.
- The pool attendants are obliged to wear single or multiple use face masks and ensure that the safety and physical distancing rules are observed at all times.
Pool arеa
- The water in the swimming pools (including thermal water) is treated following the instructions of the Bulgarian Health Ministry. The water circulation has been increased.
- The chaise lounges are grouped by two (max.) with distance between the couples of min. 1.5m.
- Crowding in the pool is not allowed. Please keep a distance of min. 1.5m.
- Please put the used towels in the bags provided so a member of our housekeeping staff can collect them safely.
- Chaise lounges and sun-shades will be sanitized between guests/groups.
- A standing sanitizer dispenser is provided in the area around the pool. Guests have to sanitize their hands prior to joining the activities.
- Our security staff will be wearing proper protective equipment (face mask and gloves) and will enforce the obligatory distancing measures, at all times.
- They have been trained to respond and enforce measures for social distancing. PLEASE FOLLOW AND ABIDE BY THEIR INSTRUCTIONS. Please remember that protecting the health of each and everyone of us, is a shared responsibility
Our transfer company is abiding to the COVID-19 prevention standards which are part of our “BE HEALTHY & STAY ACTIVE WITH BT HOTELS COLLECTION!” program, including the following rules:
- Our staff in charge of the transfers abide by the following rules which we kindly ask our guests to adhere to:
- Personal protective equipment use (face mask and gloves) is mandatory;
- Please keep your masks on during the whole trip;
- Please maintain a high standard of personal hygiene making use of the hand sanitizer provided in the bus/car!
- Buses are disinfected after each trip. Timetables are organized in a way as to allow staff members’ temperature to be checked before each shift.
We follow regularly the constantly changing epidemic situation in our country and in the world, as well as the information coming from the WHO and the EU institutions. We are adapting and updating our COVID–19 Safety Rules and Procedures based on the guidelines from the Bulgarian health authorities, the Bulgarian government and the standards and practices of the other EU member countries. Each and every one of the rules and procedures on our Program “BE HEALTHY & STAY ACTIVE WITH BT HOTELS COLLECTION!” will be updated regularly and we will keep you notified of every change.
Dear guests, we don’t know when this pandemic will be over or when our lives will go back to normal. Meanwhile we will be adhering to the standards of the “new normal”. But we would like you to know that when you decide to travel once again, we will be ready to welcome you back to a safe and clean hotel environment.
Thank you for your loyal support. Please be healthy and stay active.